SVeditor is a free opensource systemverilog editor plugin for eclipse.
I prefer to install eclipse manually, i.e without package managers.
The key reason is eclipse is being released more often than my operating system, Fedora, and fedora guys cease providing fresh packages for distribution in a year after release. Moreover, some servers and pc in our company use aged centos. So updating eclipse and its components from time to time without root password is crucial.
I prefer to install eclipse manually, i.e without package managers.
The key reason is eclipse is being released more often than my operating system, Fedora, and fedora guys cease providing fresh packages for distribution in a year after release. Moreover, some servers and pc in our company use aged centos. So updating eclipse and its components from time to time without root password is crucial.
- Download tar-gz eclipse release for appropriate arch(i686 or x86_64) at I prefer 'Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers' package.
- untar it. by itself eclipse is already available to be started (java-1.6.0-openjdk package must be installed).
- download sveditor plugin named something like sveditor-0.6.1.ea08.jar.
All downloads are available at
I found it useful to subscribe for fresh releases with RSS feed. Just follow this url to receive notification about new releases
By the way, sveditor's author is quite responsive to bug reports. It's possible to fire a bug anonymously at - if you can't set up eclipse to use proxy the actual plugin installation is a bit tricky. So go eclipse->help->install_new_software.
Hit Add... button, in 'Location' field point full path to download 'sveditor...jar' file. 'Name' field may be left empty.
After hitting Ok following dialog appears:
check the needed boxes, next, next, accept sveditor license, next, restart.
PS. After installing this and other plugins it's possible to set read-only access and share eclipse via NFS so colleagues could skip the installation part and just use it.